Tematy do rozmowy po angielsku

Tematy do rozmowy po angielsku

Obojętnie czy jest to pierwsza lekcja czy też zaawansowany stopień znajomości języka angielskiego – poniżej znajdziesz uniwersalne tematy do rozmowy. Krótkie speakingi tzw. Warm-Upy pozwalają nabrać pewności siebie, zyskać umiejętność analitycznego myślenia, pobudzić do kreatywności czy też sprawdzić się w danym temacie. Ćwicz i rozwijaj się bezustannie! Tylko poprzez systematyczną praktykę nabierzesz wprawy w komunikacji językowej.

People and their relations

1. Introduce yourself
2. Tell me about your interests.
3. What kind of clothes do you like wearing?
4. What kind of music do you like listening to?
5. Do you have brothers/sisters?


1. How can you understand the proverb – Home sweet home?
2. Do you like the place where you live?
3. Do you live in the city or in the village?
4. Can you describe your home/flat?
5. Do you have a garden or would like to have one?


1. What subject is your favourite?
2. End the sentence: The perfect teacher should be…
3. How do you prepare for tests/exams?
4. What do you think about additional subjects?
5. Have you ever cheated on tests/exams?


1. Describe your imagined job?
2. Working remotely or among people?
3. Would you like to work in the company or in a small business?
4. What do you think about business travel?
5. Tell me about your dream salary.

Free time

1. What do you do in your free time?
2. Can you organize your time and do you like it?
3. Do you prefer staying at home or going out?
4. What can we do to prevent boredom?
5. How do you usually spend the weekend?


1. Name popular music genres.
2. Do you have your favourite singer/band?
3. What kind of music is popular nowadays?
4. Do you follow the latest hits?
5. Do you like to listen to the radio?